Endorsed by

National Association of Television and Radio Broadcasters (NAT) is the largest professional union of broadcasting companies in Russia. NAT members include national, federal and regional companies, content producers and integrators, research and academic establishments, media measurement providers and other organizations.
NAT has its own information resource – an interactive TV and Radio Atlas of Russia, which works in all regions of the Russian Federation and is open to the wide public.
NAT defends its members’ rights and interest on the federal and regional levels, takes part in the development of legislative framework for the e-media and migration of TV and radio to new digital technologies.
NAT representatives participate in task teams with the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media, Roskomnadzor, Russian TV and Radiobroadcasting Network, issue expert judgment on draft laws and administrative regulations of Rospechat and Roskomnadzor, collaborate with Federal Antimonopoly Service, Federal Customs Service, Russian Copyright Society, Russian Organization for Intellectual Property, and other organizations.
NAT President E.Sagalaev and Board members K.Ernst and O.Dobrodeev are also members of the Governmental Commission for TV and Radio Broadcasting.
NAT specifically focuses on regional and thematic non-terrestrial channels and pursues development of new business models for them in the digital environment.
Key projects and events of the Association: International Exhibition of Professional Equipment and Technologies for Television, Radio and Internet broadcasting NATEXPO, International Broadcast Content Market Moscow TeleShow, children’s TV festival “Tune in!” and the festival of socially important TV programs “A Hero Of Our Time”, national awards in satellite, cable and online television “Golden Beam”, and TV technologies awards named after Zvorykin.

Ostankino TTC (television technical center), a Federal State Unitary Enterprise, is the first-rate broadcasting center in Europe and is of key importance in the system of ensuring national information security and national interests not only in Russia, but also beyond its borders. The specialists of television center provide the generation, processing and transmission of television signal to four orbits in 11 time zones of Russia around-the-clock, that allows providing equal information access to 98.8% of the population.
In addition to providing broadcasting in the Russian territory, the television center provides for the reservation of television signal distribution for the CIS countries, the Baltic States, Europe, Asia, North America, Australia, Africa and Canada to more than 250 million viewers in the world.
These strategically significant tasks for the country for the information association of 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as providing access to television for Russian-speaking citizens living outside the country, are carried out thanks to the coordinated work of more than 190 structural divisions.
Lading Russian TV and radio broadcasters, as well as dozens of domestic companies producing television content are regular customers of the Television Center. The largest Russian TV channels and their satellites are among them: Channel One, NTV, VGTRK, Channel One World Network, Russian Public Television, Channel Five, Match TV and others.

Non-commercial organization "Association of Cable TV of Russia" (ACTR) was founded in December 1998 on the initiative of a group of leading cable operators of the country. On the basis of direct membership, the Association includes 100 companies, and about 600 companies through holdings and regional associations. ACTR unites all major cable, satellite and terrestrial television operators in Russia. The total number of subscribers served by ACTR member operators exceeds 20 million.
ACTR members are many TV companies, including the leading Russian broadcasters of publicly available terrestrial television. Members of ACTR are the largest system integrators of the industry and many scientific institutes. ACTR includes sister associations of Poland, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Latvia, and Kazakhstan.
The purpose of the Association's activity is to coordinate entrepreneurial activity of the Association's members, to represent and protect their common interests, to develop and implement complexes of coordinated measures related to the improvement and prospective development of the pay TV market in Russia.
For almost 20 years, ACTR has been uniting the efforts of the Russian telecommunications community in the accelerated development of advanced multi-channel broadcasting technologies: cable, satellite and wireless; it works to protect the legal interests of operators and broadcasters, develop and improve the telecommunications market, strengthen business and strengthen the position of companies in the pay TV market in Russia.
Over the years, ACTR has become a carrier of the corporate position of the cable business community in the authorities, an expert, information and consulting center. ACTR participates in the preparation of almost all draft laws and regulations related to the regulation of our industry. The Cable TV Association of Russia, as a professional association of cable TV companies and multiservice networks, defines the strategy for the development of cable business, offering its members - participants of the cable market new ideas and directions of development.

ITU is the United Nations specialized agency for information and communication technologies – ICTs.
Founded in 1865 to facilitate international connectivity in communications networks, we allocate global radio spectrum and satellite orbits, develop the technical standards that ensure networks and technologies seamlessly interconnect, and strive to improve access to ICTs to underserved communities worldwide. Every time you make a phone call via the mobile, access the Internet or send an email, you are benefitting from the work of ITU.
ITU is committed to connecting all the world's people – wherever they live and whatever their means. Through our work, we protect and support everyone's right to communicate.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).