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Russian online platform of the Golden autumn agro-industrial complex
The exhibition company "ROTEX", having many years of experience in successfully holding the main agricultural exhibition of the country" Golden autumn", launched the Russian online platform of the same name for agriculture. The project was created to support the business community in the agricultural sector.
The Russian online platform of the Golden autumn agro-industrial complex was developed as an anti-crisis measure in the context of the current pandemic, which affected almost all sectors of the world economy. In particular, the exhibition business was one of the first to be hit, so the release of the Russian online platform of the agro-industrial complex is now becoming extremely relevant and in demand, according to its developers.
The online platform is open to everyone who represents agriculture and related industries in Russia and abroad. Participants of this project can freely access the main options for promoting their products and services, networking, educational content from leading experts and experts, and other opportunities.
Users also get constant access to a large target audience, access to an expanded catalog of manufacturers and suppliers, and will be able to communicate directly with other members of the online platform.
It is important that there are no borders for the online platform – companies will be able to expand and strengthen their positions in both the Russian and international markets.
Actively using all the features of the Russian online platform of the agro-industrial complex "Golden autumn", its users can more effectively build their marketing strategy for future agricultural exhibitions in different countries.

Roselectronics is a key participant in the Russian radio-electronic market. It was established by presidential decree No. 764 of July 23, 1997 and government Decree No. 1583 of December 18, 1997. Since 2009, it has been a part of the state Corporation rostec.
Today, the holding company generates more than 50% of the output of electronic components in Russia, 8% of the output of the radio-electronic industry as a whole, and provides more than 10% of the industry's jobs. The holding unites more than 120 enterprises and scientific organizations specializing in the development and production of radio-electronic components and technologies, communication tools and systems, automated control systems, robotic systems, microwave Radioelectronics, computer equipment and telecommunications equipment. The total number of employees is more than 70 thousand people. The holding's products are supplied to more than 30 countries, including Europe, South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

The Department of agroindustrial complex of the Yamal-Nenets Autonomous district is the Central Executive body of state power of the Autonomous district, which the regional state supervision in the sphere of livestock breeding in the region, as well as conducting the state policy and exercising Executive and administrative activity in the sphere of agro-industrial complex of the Autonomous district, the work of rescue services for the protection of animals and plants Autonomous district.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties.
We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.

The Technology Innovative Special Economic Zone “Innopolis” is a large-scale project to create a Russian center of information and communication technologies, the main task of which is to assist Russian and international companies in the implementation of investment projects in the field of high technologies.
The SEZ has formed a complex innovative environment consisting of a system of training of highly qualified personnel resources and access to the developed infrastructure of the international class. In record time, the SEZ and the surrounding area managed to create a unique environment for the work and life of employees of resident companies and their families with first-class business, social, educational and engineering infrastructure.
As of February 2020, 99 companies (85 residents and 14 partners) have chosen the SEZ as a place of development of their projects. Among them, such large companies as Yandex, Sberbank, Tinkoff Development Center, as well as companies with foreign participation: Schneider Electric (France), Soramitsu Laboratories (Japan), etc.

RUSSOFT is the most influential association of software development companies in Russia. For 2023, the Association unites 350 IT companies with more than 80,000 highly qualified employees. RUSSOFT represents the entire industry of software development in Russia.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).