Endorsed by

German-Russian Agrarian-Political Dialogue
The bilateral project "German-Russian Agrarian-Political Dialogue" is an information platform for the exchange of experience between Russia and Germany in the field of agriculture and rural development of the Ministries of Agriculture of Germany and Russia, the Federation Council Committee on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the State Duma Committee on Agrarian Issues with the support of the scientific and expert community.
Three thematic areas of the project have been agreed for the coming years: sustainable agriculture, rural development, digitalization and innovation.

The Department of Agro-Industrial Complex of the Tyumen region is the executive body of the state power of the Tyumen region.
The functions of the department include:
Implementation of the regional state policy in the agro-industrial complex of the Tyumen region in the field of economy, production of agricultural products, its processing, development of the market of agricultural raw materials and food, aimed at the effective functioning of enterprises of the agro-industrial complex and increasing the competitiveness of agricultural products.
Implementation of state support for the agro-industrial complex in accordance with the main directions of development of the agro-industrial complex of the Tyumen region.
Organization of technical equipment of agricultural production, increasing the efficiency of the use of machinery and equipment in the branches of the agro-industrial complex.

EURASIAN TECHNOLOGICAL PLATFORM "Technologies of the food and processing industry of the AGRO-industrial complex - healthy food products" (Association "CCI of the Agro-industrial Complex")
In order to increase competitiveness, support domestic production, solve socio-economic problems of enterprises and increase the pace of import substitution 20.11.2012 At a meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for Economic Modernization and Innovative Development of Russia, chaired by the Chairman of the Government of the Russian Federation, the federal technological platform "Technologies of the food and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex", the only one in Russia in the field of agriculture, was approved - healthy food products", whose activities are aimed at the development of agriculture, food production, aquaculture, agricultural and food engineering, biochemical production, education, economics and management at agricultural enterprises, food and processing industry and digitalization of the agro-industrial complex. According to the order No. 133 dated 06.09.2016 . The Board of the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Association has been awarded the status of a priority Eurasian technological platform in the field of technologies of the food and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex, whose participants are more than 60 universities; 18 specialized research institutes, FNC, FIT; more than 95 manufacturing enterprises. The Association carried out large-scale work on the development of a Strategic research program of the TP "Technologies of the food and processing industry of the agro-industrial complex - healthy food products" until 2025, the purpose of which is to create an advanced scientific and technical reserve for the agro-industrial complex of the Russian Federation based on "breakthrough" end-to-end agricultural and food technologies to solve problems of food security, healthy nutrition of the population and rational environmental management. Every year, the technology platform generates a catalog of innovative projects that meet modern requirements, uniting all participants in innovation and investment processes, which are a source of information for investors and entrepreneurs to submit to the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, state and executive authorities of the subjects of the Russian Federation, agricultural enterprises, etc. Within the framework of cooperation with the Eurasian Economic Commission, the Association "CCI AIC" participates in meetings of the working group on the direction of "Scientific and technical cooperation", round tables, training seminars. The technology platform also formed a portfolio of cooperation projects (at least 2 EAEU member states) that meet modern requirements, including the requirements of investors, uniting all participants in innovation and investment processes, which are a source of information for investors and entrepreneurs.

The Russian Union of Flour and Cereal Enterprises turns 133 years old this year. The first congress of millers was held in 1888 under the patronage of Emperor Alexander III. In the post-Soviet period, the activities of the Union were revived by the outstanding organizers of the flour mill, V.I. Efremov and V.A. Butkovsky. The Union unites manufacturing enterprises producing about 70% of flour and cereal products in Russia, manufacturers of machinery and equipment, construction organizations, scientific institutes and specialized educational institutions, industry media. Since the resumption of its activities, the Union has consistently and fundamentally pursued a policy of upholding the interests of the milling community, cooperating with the leading enterprises of the industry, studying, coordinating and then consolidating their opinions. The members of the Board of the Union are the heads of the leading enterprises of the industry, scientific organizations, industrial engineering enterprises.

RUSSOFT is the most influential association of software development companies in Russia. For 2023, the Association unites 350 IT companies with more than 80,000 highly qualified employees. RUSSOFT represents the entire industry of software development in Russia.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties. We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.
Currently we carry more as 60 members with plan to reach 100 members by the end of 2017. Our members are IoT platform developers, tech and IT companies, telcos, educational organizations, cloud providers.
The work of the Association is done by its members in various working groups. Among listed in the right column, we have idle groups waiting to pick up: smart cities, IoT an biometry, IoT in agriculture.