Endorsed by

The Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation is a Federal Executive body of the Russian Federation that exercises state administration in the field of energy and is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation. The Ministry of energy of the Russian Federation carries out the development and implementation of the state policy in the industry and regulatory and legal regulation of the fuel and energy complex, including on electricity, oil and oil refining industry, gas, peat, coal and shale industry, their products, renewable energy sources, development of hydrocarbon deposits on the basis of production sharing agreements and in the field of petrochemical industry, as well as law enforcement functions and functions for the provision of public services, management of state property in the production and use of fuel and energy resources.

RusHydro Group is one of the largest energy holdings in Russia. RusHydro is the leader in renewable energy, using hydro power, tidal energy, solar, wind and geothermal power generation.
The installed capacity of RusHydro’s power generation assets is 39.4 GW, including the capacities of RAO Energy System of East and Russia’s newest state-of-the-art hydro-power plant Boguchanskaya.

“System operator of the United Power System of Russia”, Joint-stock Company
System Operator is a 100% state-owned company, an infrastructural electric power organization solely performing centralized operational dispatch control of the United Power System (UPS) of Russia’s technological regime. The primary goal of the company is to ensure secure operation of the UPS of Russia, which is essential for sustainable power supply to consumers. The company controls operating mode of the power facilities making part of UES of Russia in 81 constituencies of the Russian Federation. www.so-ups.ru

National Technology Initiative
The program for creation of fundamentally new markets and the creation of conditions for global technological leadership of Russia by 2035.
Implementation of the NTI is one of the key tasks set by the President of Russia Vladimir Putin on December 4, 2014, in his Address to the Federal Assembly.

The Association of energy suppliers and suppliers of last resort is the largest non-profit organization in the Russian energy sales industry. It was established on December 15, 2006. To date, our Association has 40 members, that work in 55 regions of the Russian Federation, their total sales combined encompass more than two thirds of the retail market.
The Association develops a unified position of its participants on the issues of energy sales activity, wholesale and retail energy markets codes, tariff regulation.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

The Association сooperates with Minkomsvjazi RF. Publishes Technical Reference "Cables -2018", "Equipment for Fiber Optic Networks 2019" http://excable.ru/ , http://asvoweb.ru/ . The Association has developed, tested practical methods of estimation of residual resource of optical communication lines.