Endorse by

The Committee on IT and Communications of St. Petersburg has been conducting the state policy of St. Petersburg since 2010 in the field of IT, IS, communications, and it coordinates the activities of the executive bodies of state power in St. Petersburg in the field of ICT.
Main results of the Committee’s activities appear to be the portal “Public and Municipal Services in St. Petersburg”, the portal “Our St. Petersburg”, hardware and software complex “Safe City”, the state information system of St. Petersburg “Integrated system of the construction complex in St. Petersburg.
The Committee arranges specialized events, such as St. Petersburg Digital Forum and "IT Dialogue" All-Russian Forum in the field of information and communication technologies to exchange the experience of representatives of government bodies, business , scientific community of Russia and abroad and to develop effective solutions on challenges in industry, etc.

Roselectronics is a key participant in the Russian radio-electronic market. It was established by presidential decree No. 764 of July 23, 1997 and government Decree No. 1583 of December 18, 1997. Since 2009, it has been a part of the state Corporation rostec.
Today, the holding company generates more than 50% of the output of electronic components in Russia, 8% of the output of the radio-electronic industry as a whole, and provides more than 10% of the industry's jobs. The holding unites more than 120 enterprises and scientific organizations specializing in the development and production of radio-electronic components and technologies, communication tools and systems, automated control systems, robotic systems, microwave Radioelectronics, computer equipment and telecommunications equipment. The total number of employees is more than 70 thousand people. The holding's products are supplied to more than 30 countries, including Europe, South-East Asia, the Middle East, Africa and Latin America.

RusAtom Infrastructure Solutions JSC is an industry integrator in the areas of Smart city, Clean water, and Concession. Within the Smart city area, the company coordinates Rosatom's advanced technologies for digitalization and efficient urban management. Together with the world's leading experts, Rosatom participates in the development of international and national standards for the sustainable development of small and medium-sized cities.
The basic platform of Rosatom "Smart city" is a single information base for the implementation of digital city services. It is aimed at implementing the state policy in the field of digital economy development of the Russian Federation and covers all areas of the recommended set of smart city elements specified in the guidelines for the preparation of the regional project "Smart cities" of the Ministry of construction of the Russian Federation. This is a 100% Russian development that takes into account the requirements for information security and import substitution.

Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg: the Administration provides organizational, legal, information and logistical support for the activities of the Governor of St. Petersburg and the Government of St. Petersburg, as well as coordinates the work of other Executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg in order to ensure the activities of the Governor of St. Petersburg and the Government of St. Petersburg

The administration of the region - the highest executive body of state power of the region - is a permanent body of executive power of the region.
The administration of the region ensures the implementation in the region of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, the Charter, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the region.
The regional administration consists of the head of the regional administration, his first deputies, deputies and structural units of the regional administration.

The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea is the permanent Supreme Executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea. The Council of Ministers of the Republic of Crimea unites and directs the work of ministries, state committees and other Executive authorities of the Republic of Crimea subordinate to it, and controls their activities.

The Ministry of internal policy, information and communications of the Republic of Crimea is the Executive body of state power of the Republic of Crimea, which operates on the formation of policy in the sphere of domestic policy, mass communications and mass media of communication, including electronic communication, information technology, book publishing, book distribution and exhibition activities, promote a positive image of the Republic of Crimea, music, movies - and other festivals and competitions, the development of the Internet, television (digital) broadcasting and radio broadcasting systems, as well as the latest technologies in this area, printing and publishing, postal communications, and outdoor advertising.

The Administration of Nizhny Novgorod is a local self-government body of the municipality "city of Nizhny Novgorod". It is an Executive and administrative body and has its own powers to address issues of local importance. These powers are determined by regulations, legal acts and laws. The administration is subordinate and controlled by the Nizhny Novgorod city Duma and has the rights of a legal entity. Legal acts of the city Administration are orders and resolutions. Officials issue orders and orders relating to their activities.

The Technology Innovative Special Economic Zone “Innopolis” is a large-scale project to create a Russian center of information and communication technologies, the main task of which is to assist Russian and international companies in the implementation of investment projects in the field of high technologies.
The SEZ has formed a complex innovative environment consisting of a system of training of highly qualified personnel resources and access to the developed infrastructure of the international class. In record time, the SEZ and the surrounding area managed to create a unique environment for the work and life of employees of resident companies and their families with first-class business, social, educational and engineering infrastructure.
As of February 2020, 99 companies (85 residents and 14 partners) have chosen the SEZ as a place of development of their projects. Among them, such large companies as Yandex, Sberbank, Tinkoff Development Center, as well as companies with foreign participation: Schneider Electric (France), Soramitsu Laboratories (Japan), etc.

St. Petersburg Technopark is а leading city-wide project for the development of innovative technological entrepreneurship. It is implemented with the support of the Committee for lndustrial Policy, lnnovations and Trade of St. Petersburg.
The Technopark's infrastructure, competences and well-developed partnership network make it possible to annually provide dozens of small and medium-sized technology companies with consultancy and technology services. Here innovative projects gain the momentum they need: acquire relevant information about emerging markets, test their business model, prepare а prototype of their product for mass production, find industrial partners in high-tech clusters, engineer future technology and operations.

St. Petersburg Club of CIOs "SPb CIO Club" is a professional community that unites CIOs of leading companies in the north-western region.
Mission of «SPb CIO Club» is to support and develop the professional community of CIOs.
The club was established in 2004 and contains over 600 members at the moment. Nowadays St. Petersburg club is considered authoritative, influential and methodologically strong professional IT-community in Russia. We are recognized not only other Russian professional associations, public organizations, but also western IT community. We are actively collaborating leading industry and business media as well as with major players of the IT market and multinational IT companies. Professional community is the ability to communicate, to exchange experiences, development and learning. Growth and enduring interest to the club’s activities confirms the need for its development.

The National Center for Cognitive Development of ITMO University (NCCR) was established in 2018 as part of the implementation of the National Technology Initiative (NTI) project. The center aims to create a balanced domestic ecosystem for the development and implementation of cognitive technologies and machine learning. By these end-to-end technologies is meant the creation of systems capable of not only providing a solution to problems, but also self-learning and developing in the process. Such systems make it possible to simplify decision-making when working with intellectual and creative tasks of practical importance in various industries, especially in conditions of uncertainty, incomplete information, time or resource constraints, and also in critical situations.
One of the features of cognitive technologies is their versatility: they are applicable and necessary in absolutely all STI markets. The activities of the NCCR are aimed at organizing systems of applied artificial intelligence and, as a result, the formation of high-tech products and services in these markets, which corresponds to the paradigm of the digital economy.
The implementation by the Center of research, development, educational activities and technology transfer will allow Russian companies to overcome existing technological barriers. The plans for the near future include achieving leading positions in the field of machine learning and cognitive technologies in global markets.

RUSSOFT is the most influential association of software development companies in Russia. For 2023, the Association unites 350 IT companies with more than 80,000 highly qualified employees. RUSSOFT represents the entire industry of software development in Russia.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties. We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.
Currently we carry more as 60 members with plan to reach 100 members by the end of 2017. Our members are IoT platform developers, tech and IT companies, telcos, educational organizations, cloud providers.
The work of the Association is done by its members in various working groups. Among listed in the right column, we have idle groups waiting to pick up: smart cities, IoT an biometry, IoT in agriculture.

“Digital Age Transportation” Association - Association for the Development of Digital Transport Technologies.
The goals of the Association are to bring together suppliers of solutions in the sphere of ICTs, intellectual transport systems and local solutions aimed at better safety of transport infrastructure, management of transport services, and provision of services in the sphere of transport infrastructure; to cooperate with the bodies of government in constituent regions of the Russian Federation with the goal of assisting in introducing intellectual transport systems in Russian constituent regions; to consolidate efforts of the business community and the state to develop digital technologies on transport.
Work principles of the Association:
- promotion of ITS on the basis of the unified package of standards;
- promotion of ITS across Russian regions;
- applied character of problems and issues essential to the Association’s development strategy;
- project method of Association’s operations;
- educational component.
Lines of the Association’s activities:
- working with constituent regions of Russia;
- normative and regulatory activities;
- universities and HR;
- creation of a systematic database of knowledge and solutions in the ITS sector;
- implementation of the concept “Mobility as a service” (MaaS);
- testing of various solutions;
- international activities.

IT & Digital Directors Club
Our mission is to improve the competitiveness of the Russian economy through the "competent" use of IT.
Our asset is the IT leaders of the largest enterprises and organizations in various sectors of the economy.
Our region - All Russia
Directions of the Club's work:
- Improving the professional level of the Club members
- Formation of the "correct" image of the IT manager
- Professional and friendly communication
- Creation of a wide network of personal contacts

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).