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The DIT team is working to ensure that the opportunities that information technologies provide today help every resident of Moscow to get relevant information for him, quickly solve important issues and save the most valuable thing that he has – time.

The government of the Ryazan region is the highest, permanent collegial Executive body of the state power of the Ryazan region, endowed with General competence, and carries out Executive and administrative activities throughout the region in accordance with Federal and regional legislation. The main objectives of the government of the Ryazan region are: to ensure conditions for the realization of constitutional rights and freedoms of citizens in the Ryazan region; to ensure the socio-economic development of the Ryazan region.

The Committee on IT and Communications of St. Petersburg has been conducting the state policy of St. Petersburg since 2010 in the field of IT, IS, communications, and it coordinates the activities of the executive bodies of state power in St. Petersburg in the field of ICT.
Main results of the Committee’s activities appear to be the portal “Public and Municipal Services in St. Petersburg”, the portal “Our St. Petersburg”, hardware and software complex “Safe City”, the state information system of St. Petersburg “Integrated system of the construction complex in St. Petersburg.
The Committee arranges specialized events, such as St. Petersburg Digital Forum and "IT Dialogue" All-Russian Forum in the field of information and communication technologies to exchange the experience of representatives of government bodies, business , scientific community of Russia and abroad and to develop effective solutions on challenges in industry, etc.

The St. Petersburg Technopark is one of the major tools for replenishing the city’s economy with new commercially effective technological projects.
#spbtech hosts:
- 326 workplaces;
- 8 venues for business events;
- more than 5000 visitors annually;
- more than 150 events held annually (seminars, master classes, conferences, pitch sessions, investment sessions, hackathons and the annual MY.TECH Technological Festival).
Our key customers are small and medium-sized businesses, cluster projects, companies operating in modern industries. Accelerating their development through the services, the Technopark moves towards its primary goal - increasing the contribution of innovative technology companies to the economy of St. Petersburg
The Technopark is an ecosystem rapidly adapting to market demands. To support innovative ventures, 6 structural divisions are being developed, each uniquely focused on constantly improving the quality of the services provided, optimization of the new process chains with the enterprises.

Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg: the Administration provides organizational, legal, information and logistical support for the activities of the Governor of St. Petersburg and the Government of St. Petersburg, as well as coordinates the work of other Executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg in order to ensure the activities of the Governor of St. Petersburg and the Government of St. Petersburg

The municipality of the city of Kazan – a set of bodies of local government of the municipality of the city of Kazan, United concerted action to address local issues, participation in municipal and international cooperation, the implementation of certain state powers handed over to the local governments by the Federal laws and the laws of the Republic of Tatarstan, the activity of which is organized and koordiniruyutsya the Mayor of the city of Kazan.

The Administration of the city of Khabarovsk is the executive and administrative body of the city district "The City of Khabarovsk", whose activities are led by the Mayor of the city on the principles of unity of command. The city administration provides in Khabarovsk rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of man and citizen, the Executive and administrative functions for the efficient solution of questions of local value in the interests of the population, implementation of socio-economic development of the city, the implementation of laws and other normative legal acts of the Russian Federation, Khabarovsk territory, adopted within their competence; coordination and communication between state authorities and local self-government on the territory of the city; promotes public engagement in managing the city.

The Department of Industry, Innovation and Entrepreneurship of the Novosibirsk City Hall is responsible for the issues of industry, science, the introduction of scientific developments, entrepreneurship, and also creates conditions for providing residents of the city of Novosibirsk with trade, public catering and consumer services.

Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk
The executive and distribution body of Chelyabinsk is the City Administration. Its structure includes structural divisions of the Administration of the city of Chelyabinsk and branch (functional) bodies. The city of Chelyabinsk is endowed with the status of an urban district with an inner-city division, which provides for the presence of seven districts in the city.

The Government of the Perm Region is the permanent supreme executive body of the state power of the Perm Region. Forms the executive authorities of the region and directly manages them. Forms the executive authorities of the region and manages them. It is accountable to the Governor of the Perm Region.

The administration of the city of Kursk is an executive and administrative body of the local self-government of the city of Kursk, which is empowered by this Charter to resolve issues of local significance and to exercise certain state powers transferred to the local self-government bodies of the city of Kursk by federal laws and laws of the Kursk Region.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties. We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.
Currently we carry more as 60 members with plan to reach 100 members by the end of 2017. Our members are IoT platform developers, tech and IT companies, telcos, educational organizations, cloud providers.
The work of the Association is done by its members in various working groups. Among listed in the right column, we have idle groups waiting to pick up: smart cities, IoT an biometry, IoT in agriculture.

RUSSOFT is the most influential association of software development companies in Russia. For 2023, the Association unites 350 IT companies with more than 80,000 highly qualified employees. RUSSOFT represents the entire industry of software development in Russia.

The Russian Data Center Industry Association is a professional non-profit organization. It conducts activities for data center market players. Association provides formalization and development fast-growing innovation market through standardization and popularization of industry.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

All-Russian public organization “Russian Academy of Transport” is a public association based on the common interests of its members, their active participation in the development, improvement and implementation of priority decisions in the development of a unified transport system of the Russian Federation, as well as the entire complex of transport sciences.