Post Release

Post Release of the Conference «Telecom Eurasia 2024»


On May 23, 2024 in Almaty (Republic of Kazakhstan) the ComNews Information Group held the II International Conference “Telecom Eurasia: innovation, interaction and convergence of cellular, optical and satellite communication networks in the interests of the digital economy”.

More than 250 specialists took part in the event in offline and online formats.


The Partners of the sessions were the XSAT Global and “Integra Cable”. The conference was also held with the participation of the Scientific and Technical Center ARGUS, RDP Company - Research & Development Partners (RDP.RU), the Information Space Center “Northern Crown” and the Scientific and Technical Association “IRE-Polus”.


As part of the conference, an exhibition of technologies and solutions for the development of satellite, optical and wireless communications was held, in which the following participants took part as exhibitors: “ID-Prime” limited liability company, RDP Company (Research & Development Partners) and "Integra Cable”.


The conference was indorsed by the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC), ANO “Data Economy”, Community of CIO, CTO and CDO, Non-profit Partnership RUSSOFT, The Big Data Association, Center for Transfer of Digital Technologies and Communication Systems Technologies of The Bonch-Bruevich St Petersburg State University of Telecommunications and The Russian Data Center Industry Association.



The conference was opened with the plenary session “Development of communication networks in Central Asia and the CIS”. The session’s moderator was Leonid Konik, General Director – Editor-in-chief, ComNews Publishing Group.

Alexey Borodin, General Director of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC), addressed the participants with a welcoming speech and presented a report on the topic: “Interaction between states and the operator community in the context of digital transformation and the development of new and emerging technologies”. In his speech, Alexey Borodin noted that holding the Telecom Eurasia conference is already becoming a good tradition for Kazakhstan. The speaker also noted that the uniqueness of the region lies in the fact that the maximum number of integration platforms and organizations are not national in nature: “This allows countries to take a sovereign approach to both regulating their ICT priorities and generally developing the national economy. But at the same time, in particular, the RCC platform provides an opportunity to develop common approaches and present common interests in the international arena”.


Further presentations were made by: Tair Ismailov, Director of Strategic Interaction at the GSM Association (GSMA), with the topic “Trends of mobile industry in Eurasia”, Sergey Pastukh, Chairman of the Working Group on Preparation for the AP/WRC, Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications, Vice-Chairman of the Preparatory Meeting for WRC-23, International Telecommunications Union (ITU), with the topic “Results of the World Radiocommunication Conference 2023 (WRC-23)”, Viktor Strelets, Study Group 4 Chairman, ITU-R, with the topic “The role of the ITU in solving problems of sustainability of space activities, taking into account the fair and equitable use of the frequency and orbital resource”, Bayysh Nurmatov, Deputy Chairman of the Expert Council of the Ministry of Digital Development of the Kyrgyz Republic, with the topic “Draft Digital Code of the Kyrgyz Republic on the regulation of the telecommunications sector”, Askhat Rakhmatullin, Director of the State Radio Frequency Service, with the topic “Provision of services within the framework of Database of Identification Codes of subscriber cellular devices and Centralized Database of Subscriber Numbers”, and Galikhan Mukhamed-Rakhimov, Deputy Chairman of the Board for Operator Business Development of Transtelecom, with the topic “The importance of Central Asia in the global telecom community in the new geopolitical conditions”. Galikhan Mukhamed-Rakhimov summed up his speech, speaking about the current geopolitical situation: “We (all operators in Kazakhstan) are ready to make every possible contribution to the joint development of the telecom industry and support our neighbors in business development”.


The session 1 “Communication networks as the basis of the digital economy. Development of telecom infrastructure: innovative technologies and new opportunities” was moderated by Maria Bolshakova, Acting Deputy General Director of the Regional Commonwealth in the Field of Communications (RCC).

The Partner of the session was “Integra Cable” (SOYUZ-KABEL).



The following experts took part in the session: Ian Fogg, Director of Network Innovation Research, Global Mobile Suppliers Association, with the topic “How 5G is developing globally”, Alexander Gulyaev, Head of Spectrum and Regulation Standards, RCC region, Huawei, with the topic “6 GHz band (6425-7125 MHz) for the success of 5G and 6G in the CIS region”.


In the block “Communication networks as the basis of the digital economy. Practical Cases” the reports were presented by: Sergey Afanasyev, Director of Innovation of OpenKZ, with the topic “Digital transformation of the communications industry and economy”, and Kendrick White, Director of the Center for Commercialization of Technologies AlmaU (Almaty Management University), with the topic “Modernization of Kazakhstan’s telecommunication services through entrepreneurial innovation and research and development”.


Next, the experts from the section “Development of telecom infrastructure: innovative technologies and new opportunities” presented the reports. Kirill Lyzlov, head of the sales department in Kazakhstan, STC “Argus”, presented a report on the topic: “Modern accounting in telecom reality: Asset & Resource”. “Today, a highly competitive business has formed in the areas of digital and production. STC ARGUS has been researching communication networks for more than 20 years. From the point of view of the principles of the open digital architecture ODA, developed by one of the world’s leading associations of telecom operators TM Forum, we have thoroughly studied international experience and practices. In the new reality, the ODA reality, we offer specialized solutions based on its principles that undoubtedly lead to the development of communication networks”, Kirill Lyzlov said.

The next report was made by Renat Musin, Head of the Telecommunications Development Department, IRE-Polus, with the topic “Horizon” getting closer. Solutions for fiber optic communication lines”. Renat Musin noted in his speech: “The undeniable trend of ever-increasing traffic in backbone information transmission networks opens up new opportunities for interaction between Russian manufacturers of equipment for the organization of fiber-optic communication lines and national communication operators in neighboring countries that are part of the CIS, especially in Kazakhstan, due to the significant size of the territory and geographical location of the country. The Telecom Eurasia conference is an effective platform for interaction for all interested parties”.

Nikita Korotkov, Senior Engineer for optical fiber applications, Corning Optical Communications, spoke on the topic “Fiber optic solutions for high-speed communication systems”. “The growth of traffic leads to the need to build and develop new transport communication networks. Deployment of modern high-speed highways requires the use of optical fibers with ultra-low attenuation. In turn, the fiber must also be resistant to bending and have a reduced coating diameter to allow the use of more compact and lightweight high-capacity cables”, noted Nikita Korotkov in his report. Samples of Corning Optical Communications products were available at the exhibition stand.

The following reports were presented by Sergey Afanasyev, Director of Innovation, OpenKZ, with the topic “Innovative architecture and technologies of digital infrastructure”, Andrey Lotsmanov, Sales Manager for RDP solutions, RDP Company (RDP.RU), with the topic “High-performance RDP solutions for telecom operators”. “The market of Kazakhstan has always been one of the priorities for our company because of its openness to modern trends and unique solutions”, noted Sergei Slednev, Director of International Sales at RDP, at the conference. “We are happy that ComNews connects customers and vendors, providing an opportunity to discuss current issues in telecommunications industry”.

The block of reports was completed by Pavel Masyuk, Chief Technologist, “Integra Cable” (SOYUZ-CABLE), with the topic “Promising directions for the development of underground urban communication networks”. Pavel Masyuk said that the plant has been operating for more than 20 years and produces the entire line of trunk cable and FTTH, but the report was devoted to microcable technology and its application.


Viktor Strelets, Study Group 4 Chairman, ITU-R, moderated the session 2 “Satellite communications from various orbits in the interests of developing terrestrial cellular networks”.

The Partner of the session was XSAT Global.



The session was attended by: Roman Ermashov, Director of the Space Communications Center “Kokterek”, Republican Center for Space Communications (KazSat), with the topic “Trends in the development of satellite communications in the Republic of Kazakhstan: realities and challenges”, Valentin Kolegov, Project Development Manager at XSAT Global, with the topic “Relevance of Ka-band satellites in the era of orbital broadband access constellations”, Andrey Gritsenko, General Director of the Information Space Center “Northern Crown”, with the topic “CAD “Albatros” in the tasks of analysis and modeling of satellite systems for various purposes”. Andrey Gritsenko noted in his presentation: “The CAD system “Albatros”, an information and analytical complex, is a key element of the analysis of EMC between systems deployed in different types of orbits, including between non-geostationary (NGSO) satellite systems. In particular, an analysis of the EMC between the Express-RV system in a highly elliptical orbit and the OneWeb low-orbit system was carried out. The use of the Albatros CAD system has made it possible to find new solutions in the field of building orbital groupings of satellite communication systems”.


After the block of reports, a discussion took place in which the following experts participated: Ardak Kunadilov, Head of the Office of Space Communication Systems of the Aerospace Committee of the Ministry of Digital Development, Innovation and Aerospace Industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Roman Ermashov, Director of the Space Communications Center “Kokterek”, Republican Center for Space Communications (KazSat), Timur Sarsenov, Director of Business Development in Central Asia SES Networks, Andrey Gritsenko, General Director of the Information Space Center “Northern Crown”, Valentin Kolegov, Project Development Manager at XSAT Global, and Nurlan Izmailov, General Director of Gilat Kazakhstan Central Asia.

Experts discussed possible forms of cooperation between operators of non-geostationary satellite constellations (NGSO) and cellular companies, the interaction of Direct-to-Device (D2D) service providers with cellular operators, the relevance of using satellites in the Ka-band to eliminate the digital divide in the situation of the proliferation of orbital broadband constellations.


The business program of the conference ended with the Session 3 “Private networks, information systems and data management” moderated by Alexey Volkov, Head of Direction, Digital Technologies and Platforms (MHC EuroChem).


The session took place in the format of a panel discussion, which was attended by: Pavel Martynov, Director of the Directorate for the Development of Communications and Telecommunications, Gazpromneft ITO, Evgeniy Maly, Project Development Manager for Large Business, Altel (Mobile-Telecom Service), Pavel Bakhteyarov, Head of the Industrial Communications Sales Group, Mobile TeleSystems (MTS), Vladimir Zatolokin, Vice President for activities in Kazakhstan and Central Asia, MATRIZ Official, Sergey Afanasyev, Director of Innovation, OpenKZ, and Denis Shchelkonogov, General Director, Information and Smart Investment Resources (ISIR).

The experts discussed how cost-effective it is to implement your own private network, the current problems in terms of developing private networks in the industry, framing of basic technical requirements from large enterprises to formulate a system request to vendors, as well as what effect can be expected from the implementation of AI Networking and how soon.



ComNews thanks all partners, moderators, speakers and participants of the conference Telecom Eurasia 2024!


The III International Conference Telecom Eurasia will take place in May 2025 in Almaty.