
Company «TransNeft TeleCom» was officially established in 2011 to building new-generation fiber optic communications network along oil pipeline. TNTC is 100% owned by Company SvyaztransNeft (TransNeft - which is considered among five biggest Russian companies. We have unique routes with a high level of network redundancy, professional support team and international services with the best price/quality ratio. Redundant and meshed IP MPLS network has points of presence in major Russian hubs. It has direct access to leading Russian content providers and the most important internet traffic exchanges sites in Russia and abroad: MSK IX, LINX, DE-CIX, AMS-IX, NetNod and others.

Viavi offers fully integrated and interoperable solutions for network testing, performance optimization, and service assurance. Designed to support the most complex IT and communications networks, our solutions deliver unparalleled visibility across your entire network and service ecosystem at all stages of the lifecycle. We provide the real-time intelligence and actionable insight you need to consistently attain optimum performance and QoE from end-to-end.

VILCOM HOLDING is one of the leading telecommunication and radio-measurement equipment and solutions supplier in Russia and CIS countries.
ln telecommunication market VILCOM HOLDING is а reliable partner of the most well-known Russian telecom and mobile operators such as MTS, VimpelCom, MegaFon, Rostelecom and others.
ln а field of supplying of test and radio-measurement equipment VILCOM HOLDING has а rich experience in collaboration with all major National Research Institutes, Educational Universities, Radioelectronic manufacturers etc.
VILCOM HOLDING is an official distributor of world famous vendors such as VIAVI, Oscilloquartz, Rohde&Schwarz, Tektronix, Aeroflex, Pasternack, Bruel&Kjaer etc.

STA “IRE-Polus” Ltd. is the founder and the core company of the Scientific Technical Group of «IPG Photonics Corporation», which counts with research and production centers in Russia, Germany, USA, and Italy, as well as 14 representation offices in different parts of the world.
“IRE-Polus” Ltd. offers DWDM fiber optical systems “GORIZONT”, PUSK” and “CONUS” , transferring data at up to 1200 Gb/s for record breaking distances (more than 500 km) without repeaters.
The new DWDM platform “Gorizont” is based on the company’s proprietary technologies, including high-reliability lasers and other optical components from the mother company IPG. The unique combination of Russian design hardware and software, robust local production capabilities and unlimited access to state-of-the-art high-speed digital light processing components provides unchallenged value for a wide number of Russian customers, which seek highly reliable digital telecommunication channels.
Being an engineering company, STA “IRE-Polus” Ltd. also provides a full range of the following services:
- Hardware and software development
- Equipment production
- Telecommunication line design engineering
- Equipment supply
- Construction and assembly services
- Installation and start-up procedures
- Technical support of projects and equipment
- Training

Smotreshka is the “Best Cloud Solution” in the Russian market of TV services (according to the jury of Big Digit 20016 awards).
Smotreshka is a universal and effective TV platform for an operator of any sizeа.
Smotreshka –is more than a digital, cable or satellite television.
Smotreshka - is
Fast: innovative and multi-functional TV service delivered to you in 7 days,
Simple: the solution works on most platforms (Portal, iOS, Android, SMART TV and etc.) and devices (TV sets, PC, mobile devices, tablets and TV tuners)
Free: no need to buy additional equipment or new tuners
Competitive: box solution offering copyrighted content
Reliable: customer support 24×7, 365 years a day
Just submit your application and connect your subscribers to an interactive TV service which will provide you:
- Rapid gain in subscriber base
- Additional revenue
- Loyalty boost in existing subscribers
- Competitive advantage on the market
We use income-splitting, which means that you will only pay when you earn.
The service is very popular with consumers due to its unique selling proposition:
- Interactive and customized TV service
- Broadcast control and access to archive collections
- No additional wires or connection fee
- Wide list of supported platforms and devices: no need to buy a new a new TV-tuner
- Multi-platform viewing free of charge
- Wide selection of channels to fit any taste, rational packages, affordable tariffs, reference program
Our aim is to provide affordable and high quality television service for everyone, everywhere and on any device.
More information on www.smotreshka.tv.

T8 is a leading manufacturer of wavelength-division multiplexing telecom equipment (DWDM and CWDM) in Russia and CIS countries. We develop and produce a line of DWDM and CWDM equipment with a channel speeds up to 400 Gbit/s. All T8 equipment is being developed and manufactured in Russia. To produce our equipment we use the best components from Europe, US, Japan, Russia and other countries. More than 170 people are working in our company, including 2 professors and 17 PhDs.
The company is a regular participant "TechUp" ranking. In 2013, the company entered the top 30 fastest growing companies, became the winner of CNEWS AWARDS 2013 Award in the category "Russian Technologies". In 2014, entered the top 10 most innovative companies "TechUp". In 2015 the company was nominated for the award of the government Russian Federation «Industry» In 2016, "T8" was included in the top 10 "TechUp" rating among innovative small companies. The activity of T8 was many times awarded by a Laser Association. T8 offers integrated solutions for building DWDM systems on a turnkey basis including design, supply, installation and maintenance of the equipment.

The Research & Development Partners (RDP.RU) company is the leading Russian network and telecommunication equipment vendor. The RDP.RU company was found in 2010 and specializes on development of innovative software and high-performance x86-based networking equipment.
- EcoNAT is a high-performance CG-NAT in a compact form-factor intended for smooth IPv4–IPv6 migration with up to 160 Gbit/sec per unit performance. The best results in industry of a new connections setup speed!
- EcoFilter is a product for HTTP and HTTPS traffic processing on wire speed for the purpose of filtering and blocking prohibited content according to specified lists, collecting Clickstream statistics and QoE metrics.
- EcoBRAS is a solution which allows service provider to implement so-called L2 Transparent Service Gateway for IPoE subscriber’s traffic management.
- Eco3in1 is a high-performance solution “3in1” - EcoNAT, EcoFilter, EcoBRAS, integrated in a same physical platform.
- EcoRouter is a multipurpose IP/MPLS router with a support of LDP, LDP-PW, IS-IS, OSPF, IGMP, PIM-SM, BGP protocols and others.
- EcoDPI is a hardware complex for deep traffic analysis at the application level with subsequent processing according to specified policies, metadata collection and analysis, QoE monitoring, etc.
The RDP.RU company has a high-skilled engineering team having profession experience in the leading international corporations. The company is the Skolkovo IT Cluster resident, member of the Software Developers Association “National soft”, and has its own laboratory for testing network devices on a real subscriber traffic.

Anritsu Corporation (www.anritsu.com) is a provider of innovative communications solutions for more than 120 years. The company's test and measurement solutions include wireless, optical, microwave/RF and digital instruments, operations support systems and solutions, customized software solutions, that can be used during R&D, manufacturing, installation, and maintenance. Anritsu also provides precision microwave/RF components, optical devices, and high-speed devices for design into communication products and systems. With the addition of multidimensional service assurance solutions for network monitoring and optimization, Anritsu provides complete solutions for existing and next-generation wireline and wireless communication systems and service providers. Anritsu sells in over 90 countries worldwide with approximately 4,000 employees.

Ciena is the network specialist. We collaborate with customers worldwide to unlock the strategic potential of their networks and fundamentally change the way they perform and compete. Ciena leverages its deep expertise in packet and optical networking and distributed software automation to deliver solutions in alignment with its OPn architecture for next-generation networks. We enable a high-scale, programmable infrastructure that can be controlled and adapted by network-level applications, and provide open interfaces to coordinate computing, storage and network resources in a unified, virtualized environment.

ADV Consulting is a Russian system integrator with the headquarters in Moscow since 1996.
The company offers a wide range of services in IT & telecommunications – from design work, supply of equipment and installation to integration, technical support and maintenance. ADV Consulting is highly experienced in integration of PDH/SDH/DWDM fibre-optic systems, IP/MPLS multiservice networks, Metro WDM/Ethernet solutions, information security systems, management and monitoring systems. The integrator invests in the cutting edge technologies via the demo laboratory used for interoperability testing of multi-vendor solutions and customer presentations for early adopters.

TransTeleCom (trademark - TTK) is one of the leading Russian telecommunications companies. The major shareholder is Joint Stock Company Russian Railways. TTK implements large-scale telecommunication projects and introduce a full range of telecommunication services for other state companies, large commercial corporations and end-users all over the country.
Today, TTK operates and services the largest fiber-optic communication network in Russia, with a length of more than 76,000 km and a network capacity of 3.4 Tbps. The transcontinental TTK backbone, EurasiaHighway, has connections to the communication networks of almost all the neighboring countries, including China, Japan, Mongolia, North Korea, Finland, the Baltic states and the CIS, and it is the optimal route between Europe and Asia.

CJSC “RASCOM” is a leading provider of international capacity for telecomm carriers and it owns telecommunications facilities and structures of its own at the route Moscow – St.-Petersburg – Helsinki – Stockholm – Copenhagen - Frankfurt – Amsterdam – London – Prague – Bratislava - Kiev – Uzhgorod – Riga, etc.. The Company is offering services of providing telecomm circuits as well as access to the INTERNET and various integrated solutions of Leasing of Low Latency Circuits, VPN, remote access to IX and cloud Services. RASCOM IP network is built on the basis of Cisco Systems and Extreme Networks equipment.

Mobile TeleSystems PJSC (“MTS”) is the leading telecommunications group in Russia and CIS providing digital services, mobiles and fixed voice, Internet access and fixed voice, broadband, satellite and cable TV, financial and e-commerce services, IT solutions for system integration, IoT, data monitoring and processing, cloud computing and electronic workflow. The Company’s wireless and fixed-line networks deliver best-in-class speeds and coverage to over 100 million customers throughout Russia, Ukraine, Armenia and Belarus. MTS is the leader in the Russian mobile market with the largest subscriber base. More than 10 million Russian households use the company’s fixed services – voice, Internet access and TV broadcasting. MTS has the largest non-food retail chain in Russia – 4,700 mobile stores offering mobile devices, financial services and customer support. MTS is also the leader in М2М in Russia, holding 40% of the market in SIM cards. Traditionally, MTS is the leading Russian mobile service provider in revenue and business profitability. MTS’ largest shareholder is Sistema JSFC.MTS has been listed on the New York Stock Exchange since July 2000 and trades under the ticker MBT. The Company’s shares have been listed locally on the Moscow Exchange since November 2003 and trades under the symbol MTSS.

With CenturyLink, enterprises, carriers and internet service providers benefit from local to global networking solutions. A wholly owned high-speed fibre network of over 720.000 km enables extensive global reach, connecting more than 350 metropolitan areas in over 60 countries.
The innovative, extensive service portfolio includes Adaptive Networking, Real-time Communications, Managed Services, Security and Multi-Cloud connections to leading providers like AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google.
An unrivalled combination of dynamic network connections with forward thinking technology places CenturyLink as a trusted provider at the center of digital transformation technology. We ensure better performance, reliability and security for our customers’ connections, applications and communications.