Endorsed by

GSA (Global mobile Suppliers Association) represents leading GSM, 3G/HSPA and 4G/LTE suppliers worldwide. Our reports and information papers deliver key facts and stats, explain market developments, trends and opportunities, and are widely referenced across the industry. We show how international technology standards and alignment of spectrum band choices for mobile network deployments deliver the largest economies of scale and the widest choice of terminals at lowest cost for users. Other activities include seminars, briefings, case studies, providing support to campaigns, webinars, and speaking at selected industry events. GSA monitors and regularly provides updates on LTE network deployments and launches worldwide, regulatory developments including spectrum, and the status of the devices ecosystem. These reports in particular are highly anticipated and closely followed by our global audience including over 68,000 registered website users. GSA is a Market Representation Partner in 3GPP and co-operates with other key organizations including ETSI, GSM Association, and the ITU.

Created in 2012, MVNO Europe represents the interests of Mobile Virtual Network Operators active on European mobile and Internet of Things markets, and that have negotiated wholesale access to the networks of host Mobile Network Operators (MNOs). MVNO Europe gathers various type of business models addressing retail consumers, business users, the public sector, machine-to-machine (M2M) and Internet of Things (IoT). The goal of MVNO Europe is to create a more openly accessible market for all MVNOs so that they can better contribute to the growth of the fast-moving mobile communications sector, further ensure that consumers as well as business users have a wider range of diversified services to choose from and to, finally, boost competition on the retail mobile market to their benefit. Our members believe that MVNOs can stimulate innovation in the telecom sector.

Internet of things association (IOTAS) is Russian non commercial, non governmental organization created in December 2016.
Our mission is to increase the life quality of citizens by introduction of IoT technology in private, business, governmental, educational and municipal levels.
Association carries the membership for all interested parties, who share our values.
IOTAS has a horizontal structure built on the basement of multiple connections between interested parties. We are not focused on any particular vertical technology, but rather trying to connect members, startups, state institutions, regulators, educational entities, industrial standards via our open expert platform.
Currently we carry more as 60 members with plan to reach 100 members by the end of 2017. Our members are IoT platform developers, tech and IT companies, telcos, educational organizations, cloud providers.
The work of the Association is done by its members in various working groups. Among listed in the right column, we have idle groups waiting to pick up: smart cities, IoT an biometry, IoT in agriculture.

The organization was established to provide services for development of the digital economy in the Russian Federation, including through support of socially significant projects and initiatives in this area, as well as coordination of cooperation between the business community in the digital economy, scientific and educational organizations, other communities and government agencies.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

IT & Digital Directors Club
Our mission is to improve the competitiveness of the Russian economy through the "competent" use of IT.
Our asset is the IT leaders of the largest enterprises and organizations in various sectors of the economy.
Our region - All Russia
Directions of the Club's work:
- Improving the professional level of the Club members
- Formation of the "correct" image of the IT manager
- Professional and friendly communication
- Creation of a wide network of personal contacts

Global CIO – это крупнейшее официальное сообщество ИТ-директоров России.
Цель Global CIO — стать рабочим инструментом каждого руководителя ИТ, служить единым источником знаний и местом профессионального общения для ИТ-директоров, способствуя развитию ИТ-сообщества России.
GlobalCIO — это информационно-сетевой ресурс со следующими задачами:
- дать возможность ИТ-директору рассказать о себе и своих достижениях
- предоставить ИТ-директору доступ к общению и опыту коллег
- повысить компетенции ИТ-директора и ценность ИТ-функции для работодателя
Члены Global CIO имеют доступ к следующим материалам: дискуссиям коллег и экспертов по ключевым вопросам ИТ, бизнес-кейсам реальных компаний, аналитике, анонсам ИТ-мероприятий, актуальным вакансиям, реестрам ИТ-поставщиков и ИТ-проектов, базе знаний CIO и многому другому.
Global CIO постоянно растет, пополняясь новыми участниками, которые присоединяются к ИТ-лидерам России, повышая свой профессиональный статус.