ProfComm-2023 – is a unique independent platform for an open dialogue and discussion of hot issues for the industry, major trends and further development prospects for professional networks and communication systems in the face of new external and internal challenges.
Operators of professional radio communications networks in Russia are implementing advanced developments, technologies of private networks LTE (pLTE), solutions based on broadband access and the capabilities of modern satellite communication systems. The speed of response to emergency situations, the quality of mass events and, most importantly, the level of safety of citizens, including in crowded places, depend on the reliable operation of such systems.

The forum focuses on 7 main topics
The impact of the current political and economic situation on the PMR industry development
Import substitution: the potential and readiness of the Russian market to reach a new level, covering the growing demand. Dynamics of import substitution programs over the past year
Best practices for implementing PMR systems in the interests of the industry. New proposals from domestic hardware and software developers; compatibility with existing solutions
- Readiness of PMR market participants to transfer CII facilities to domestic telecommunications equipment and regulatory requirements in this area
Barriers and approaches to the integration of PMR systems of different standards
pLTE networks: implemented projects, examples of implementation and operation
Space services for critical communications tasks

- 5 reasons to visit the forum
- Russia’s main meeting of leading professionals in corporate and departmental wireless communications
- Over two hundred professional users, manufacturers and integrators of radio systems and equipment
- Focus of the forum on current tasks and prospects for the development of PMR systems
- Exhibition of new solutions and technologies for corporate and departmental communications
- Evening cocktail party: an excellent opportunity to continue communication in an informal atmosphere after the end of the business program
- representatives of regulatory authorities, law enforcement agencies and departments, design research institutes
- representatives of telecom operators and PMR
- representatives of telecommunications equipment manufacturers, IT companies, domestic software and specialized solutions
- profile representatives of corporate consumers of communications services from key industries
- leading industry experts
- journalists from business and industry media
The forum will host an exhibition of new proposals from domestic developers of telecommunications hardware and software More
Register for the forum now! Apply

In partnership with key market participants, leading industry associations and government regulators, 15 conferences and forums will be held under the COMNEWS brand in 2022, with the participation of more than 4,000 delegates. COMNEWS conferences are the best place to exchange experiences and discuss the most pressing issues in the ICT industry. The components of ComNews Conferences success are the high quality of programs and outstanding speakers. COMNEWS conference partners are the largest national and international associations of ICT industry figures.

NEOCOM is a leading integrator of professional radio communication systems with extensive experience in implementing projects of various sizes and levels of complexity. Specializes in the design, supply and installation of digital radio communication systems.
Since 2022, NEOCOM OJSC has been an authorized distributor of Kirisun Communication Co., Ltd, a company engaged in the development and production of radio equipment. The company's products are certified in the Russian Federation for compliance with the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union "On the safety of equipment for operation in explosive environments." The radio stations and the repeater are certified in full compliance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 26, 2016 No. 969 “On Approval of the Requirements for the Functional Properties of Technical Means of Ensuring Transport Security and the Rules for Mandatory Certification of Technical Means of Ensuring Transport Security”.
NEOCOM has developed dispatching software under TM "NEON" for Kirisun radio systems based on the PostgreSQL database, which allows you to significantly expand the functionality of radio communications.
In addition to the software solution, the NEOKOM development package includes the NEON SDU remote control system, which is a dispatch solution for low-channel systems of the TIER II level. The main purpose of the CDS is a quick and easy organization of dispatching and recording of conversations.

Group of Companies «Informtechnika» is a leading Russian developer and manufacturer of modern telecommunication equipment with 30-year history, implementing all enterprise telecommunication systems (wired communication, TETRA trunking radio communication, DECT microcellular communication, IP-telephony, corporate messenger) into a single seamless integrated solution. All products are manufactured under the brand name "MiniCom", has the status of TORP (Telecommunications Equipment of Russian Production), or is in the software registry of the Russian Federation. The latest development of GC "Informtechnika" - a system of unified communications with capacity up to 500,000 subscribers, based on a combined IP-PBX "MiniCom MX-1000. The company's customers are the largest enterprises of gas, oil, mining and energy industries, transport sector, as well as law enforcement agencies and state authorities.

OOO «МПТ-Сервис проект» основана в 2005 г. Входит в группу компаний МПТ-Сервис, деятельность которой началась в 1997 году. Организация специализируется на вопросах построения и обеспечения функционирования систем транкинговой связи протоколов МРТ-1327 и DMR. Решения OOO «МПТ-Сервис проект» основаны, как на использовании оборудования импортных брендов, так и на собственных разработках. В настоящий момент, основное внимание уделяется развитию технических решений по построению узкополосных УКВ систем радиосвязи в части их совместной эксплуатации с оборудованием, использующим высокоскоростные протоколы передачи. Основные клиенты нашей компании – горно-добывающие предприятия.

KB PULSAR-TELECOM, the Russian developer and manufacturer of telecommunications equipment offers solutions in the field of professional communication, data transmission, radio communication, smart PA systems. The company's in-house products include IP-PBX, media gateways, switches, PA amplifiers, as well as a full range of radio equipment, including base stations, mobile and portable radios. KB PULSAR-TELECOM solutions are used on the communication networks of Russian Railways, the Moscow Metro, resource-extraction and power companies, law enforcement agencies.

Group of companies "Gvardiya-plus" was founded in 1992 in Moscow. The Gvardiya-plus group of companies includes: LLC Gvardiya-plus tlk, LLC Gvardiya-plus telecom, LLC Porra, LLC Neokom plus Gvardiya, LLC Guard-plus ink, LLP Guardiya- plus tlk” (Kazakhstan), LLP “RADIOS (RADIOS)” (Republic of Kazakhstan).
Gvardiya-plus tlk LLC is an official partner of HUAWEI, Hytera, EXCERA, Colibri.
The company is engaged in the engineering, supply, installation of radio communication systems of TETRA, GSM-R, LTE and DMR standards, using equipment of its own design and equipment from leading world manufacturers, as well as the development and maintenance of permits. Provides mobile radio communication services in Moscow and the Moscow region. There are more than 5000 subscribers in our operator networks.
The company performs work at all stages of engineering, construction and operation of systems: from consulting services in terms of obtaining permits for the use of radio frequencies, development, engineering of radio communication systems to construction and commissioning, as well as warranty, post-warranty service and project support.
By 2023, the Company has installed more than 6000 large systems for various purposes.

ILADA Company was established in 2003 to work in the field of professional mobile radio.
We have implemented a lot of major projects to create professional mobile radio systems. We were one of the first in Russia in 2008 to launch the DMR digital standard system for the needs of the power industry. Our solutions work in all major areas: police, security, power industry, oil and gas industry, industrial production, service structures.
Today we are a team of professionals who solve the whole range of tasks in the field of professional mobile radio:
- Pre-project survey and budget estimates
- Assistance in registration of frequencies
- Preparation of design documentation for the construction of professional mobile radio systems
- Supply of equipment
- Installation and commissioning of equipment
- Provision of warranty and service support
- Maintenance of working professional mobile radio systems
Since 2015, our company has been the exclusive distributor in the Russian Federation of the LIRA trademark, a manufacturer of a wide range of equipment, including the professional segment.
We are always ready to help you solve your radio communication problems!

LEO TELECOM was established in distant in time 1994, and today the company rightfully occupies one of the leading places in the market of professional mobile communications and of system integration for industrial and technological networks. Efficiency and Perfection – that was and will be our principle for the years passed and to come.
We have experience and a large number of successful projects in the field of radio communication and capital construction of objects of communication.
LEO TELECOM highlights:
- 28 years in the radio- and telecommunication market
- A team of skilled professionals, experts in project development, capital construction, and project management
- Highly efficient engineering staff, certified in telecommunication and communication networks
- Distribution license agreements with leading manufacturers in the field of telecommunication and communication networks
- A maintenance facility fully equipped for testing, assembling, start-up and adjustment of telecommunication equipment
- An extensive experience in building communication networks in all lines of industry
- Consulting service and support in all project phases
We are a highly responsible partner and treat our Clients with sincere and comprehensive care.

The Saga Telecom company, founded in 1993, is a specialized turnkey system integrator for professional mobile radio communication systems, including broadband system based on LTE.
The company provides services: audit, engineering, design, construction, maintenance and service of radio communication systems and related systems.
Saga Telecom uses advanced approaches in implementing projects as a contractor under FEED and EPC contracts.
The company has a successful experience in the building and modernizing of radio communication systems of all digital standards: DMR Tier II and Tier III, TETRA, APCO25. Over the past 30 years, more than 160 projects of varying complexity have been implemented in the oil and gas, energy, chemical and other industries.
You can contact the specialists of Saga Telecom:
Tel. +7 495 967 9898
e-mail info@sagatelecom.ru

JSC «Concern «Sozvezdie» specializes in development and manufacture of high-tech control and communication systems, radioelectronic warfare equipment and special hardware for the needs of the Army and other special forces, up-to-date systems and means, and also civil and telecommunication products based on the latest scientific and technological achievements and innovative technologies, software for them.
The main activities:
- automated communication and control systems for tactical and operational levels;
- electronic warfare automated systems and means;
- special purpose automated systems for non-confidential and confidential digital radio communication and control;
- professional communication systems and means and also broadband communication systems

LLC "Elcom+" develops and produces software and hardware solutions in the field of professional radio communication, carries out the design of technological communication systems. For 28 years of operation, the company has implemented hundreds of projects in the field of communications at the facilities of companies in the oil and gas, mining, chemical industries, enterprises of the machine-building, electric power industries, at airports and other organizations in Russia and abroad.
Since 2014, Elkom+ LLC has been producing solutions under the import substitution program. The hardware-software complex for dispatching radio communication Radiusip.RU is completely made on the basis of Russian equipment and software of our own design. The solution is included in the register of industrial products manufactured in the Russian Federation. The software for dispatching as part of the Radiusip APK supports Linux OS, which allows you to build systems completely on the domestic hardware and software base. Also, the solution can be used to expand / upgrade existing systems based on foreign-made equipment.

Публичное акционерное общество «Мобильные ТелеСистемы» (ПАО «МТС») – ведущая компания в России по предоставлению услуг мобильной и фиксированной связи, передачи данных и доступа в интернет, кабельного и спутникового ТВ-вещания; провайдер цифровых сервисов, включая финтех и медиа в рамках экосистем и мобильных приложений; поставщик ИТ-решений в области объединенных коммуникаций, интернета вещей, мониторинга, обработки данных, облачных вычислений, кибербезопасности. В России, Беларуси и Армении услугами мобильной связи Группы МТС пользуются около 88 миллионов абонентов. На российском рынке мобильного бизнеса МТС занимает лидирующие позиции, обслуживая крупнейшую 80-миллионную абонентскую базу. Фиксированными услугами МТС – телефонией, доступом в интернет и ТВ – охвачено свыше 10 миллионов абонентов, сервисами OTT и платного ТВ в различных средах – более 11,7 миллионов пользователей, общее количество экосистемных клиентов МТС превышает 14 миллионов. Компания располагает розничной сетью из более чем 4 700 магазинов в России. Акции МТС котируются на Московской бирже под кодом MTSS.

TRIALINK, group of companies is a Russian developer and system integrator in the field of telecommunication. It was founded in 1994. The main activity is developing and implementing of our own solutions in the field of professional telecommunications (Mission Critical Solutions). Our represented projects are: RONET - is a hardware and software system, which helps to deploy instant radio wireless PTT communication; «MARS-ARSENAL» - is a modern complex of hardware and software means of alerting; «MARS-MONITORING» is a unique and innovative system of control of dangerous natural and man-caused processes in real time mode.

MS-SPETSTELECOM JSC has almost 20 years of experience in the field of creation and operation of professional mobile radio communication (PMR) systems of various technologies and standards DMR, TETRA, LTE.
The main activity of MS-SPETSTELECOM is providing a wide range of services and services of the PMR for state and corporate users, as well as in the preparation and holding of mass and public events of the state and international level in Russia.
MS-SPETSTELECOM has unprecedented experience in providing PMR services on TETRA networks in the territories of the Republics of Tatarstan and Bashkortostan, Samara region, KHMAO, Krasnodar and Krasnoyarsk territories; on LTE networks in the Moscow, Tver, Novgorod and Leningrad regions, as well as on the DMR network in Moscow.
As the official operator of PMR services on TETRA networks, MS-SPETSTELECOM provided services for the following events: celebration of the 1000th anniversary of Kazan (2005), "Russia-EU Summit" in Samara (2007); XXVII world summer Universiade in Kazan in 2013; XXII Olympic and XI Paralympic winter games in Sochi in 2014; world fencing championship (2014); FINA world Cup in high diving in Kazan (2014); Celebration of the 70th anniversary of victory In the great Patriotic war 1941-1945 2015); SCO and BRICS summits in UFA (2015); XVI FINA world Aquatics Championships in Kazan (2015); The ASEAN summit in Sochi (2016); The draw for the Confederations Cup in Kazan (2016) and The celebration of the 75th anniversary of victory In the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945 in Moscow (2020), as well as as a co-executor of the 2017 FIFA Confederations Cup and the 2018 FIFA World Cup; the Winter Universiade in Krasnoyarsk 2019.
The main strategy of MS-SPETSTELECOM is continuous development and improvement of the PMR services market by introducing new and modern services, communication standards and technologies, expanding the target audience and range of service users, high quality of service and subscriber support.
Today MS-SPETSTELECOM offers its customers the most advanced technologies and services of PMR with converged services between fixed, mobile, video and radio communication systems.

Initially established in 1986, Kirisun Communication Co., Ltd is a fully independent company operating its own sales, R& D and manufacturing divisions, with distribution to the global market.
Ranked among the leading industry brands, Kirisun brings exacting standards of innovation, quality and excellence to its professional radio terminals and system solutions, focusing on DMR/PoC and providing integrated communications solutions to help customers own their best private communication in Public Safety, Emergency Sectors, Energy, Transportation, Utilities, Commercial and other industry verticals. Our products portfolio offers a winning combination of quality and value, which is why, Kirisun has accumulated its loyal customer relations worldwide over the past years.
Our manufacturing facility is 100% owned and directed from Kirisun headquarters, occupied more than 20,000 square meters in QuanZhou , operating internationally recognized TUV ISO9001: 2015 quality criteria. The maximum production capacity is nearly 1.2 million per year, together with rigorous and uncompromising quality controls, Kirisun has won the leading Outstanding Enterprise award from local government.
Kirisun invests about 15% of its revenues each year in R&D to promote innovation of technology and products. It has established R&D centers in Shenzhen, Guangzhou, Quanzhou in China, as well as in the United Kingdom to support innovation and development of the company. Meanwhile, Kirisun catches up with current opportunities, and has established a strong and capable talented team, laying a solid foundation for independent innovation. Kirisun has a well-established distribution network covering all over China and more than 100 countries in global market.

RDP (Research & Development Partners) is a leading Russian developer and supplier of intelligent hardware and software solutions for large-scale fixed networks.
RDP’s specialization is the development of innovative software and hardware-and-software systems for high-performance processing of network traffic.
Our products, meeting the international quality standards, are in high demand for carrier-class networks. All software products of the company are available in the form of source codes, the rights of which belong to RDP, and are protected by the Russian law.

JSC "ISC "Severnaya Korona" is a Russian company operating in the high-tech market for more than 25 years.
The company takes an active part in the development of advanced satellite communication systems and networks, including those in low and highly elliptical orbits (Marathon IoT, Express-RV, etc.). Our competence includes the analysis and justification of the majority of system and technical issues that determine the technical characteristics and capabilities of new systems. Including, orbital construction, guaranteed radio visibility zones, multi-beam coverage, energy of radio links.
The accumulated experience and unique proprietary software allow us to carry out work on frequency-territorial planning of terrestrial professional radio communication networks (including DMR and LTE standards) with the maximum degree of efficiency and reliability.
The company is one of the leaders in the supply of specialized software (CAD "Albatros"), designed for the design of satellite and terrestrial radio systems for information transmission.

KODOFON Group was founded in 1998 to develop base stations and scientific and technical solutions for 3G generation communication technologies for NORTEL and SAMSUNG ELECTRONICS. As part of long-term cooperation with these companies more than 50 projects were successfully delivered, the results of which are protected by 42 patents in many countries around the world.
One of the current focuses of KODOFON Group is the development and promotion of equipment for mobile and fixed communication systems based on bonding heterogeneous communication links. These systems make it possible to effectively provide wireless Internet connectivity in rural areas. At the X International Forum, a report will be made on a method for expanding the coverage area of commercial and professional mobile communication networks based on communication link bonding technology and a working sample of its design option will be demonstrated in the expo stand.

STC PROTEI is a Russian research and production company founded in St. Petersburg in 2002. Engaged in the development and production of a whole range of software and hardware products for the telecommunications and digitalization of enterprises. Offers telecom operators, government agencies and industrial enterprises a wide range of equipment implemented using the most promising IT technologies.
• Solutions for mobile operators: Private LTE/5G hardware and software, LTE packet network core (EPC), Messaging, IN and VAS platforms, MVNO/MVNE solutions, including turnkey Full MVNO, roaming platforms.
• Solutions for fixed communication networks: a full range of software and hardware for NGN/IMS networks, Call-centers, an intelligent platform for the implementation of any IN and VAS services.
• Specialized solutions: video surveillance systems, own videoconferencing platform, system-112, Safe City APK, MCPTT platform, unified communications platform.
A feature of our systems is software and hardware of our own design. The entire production cycle is organized in St. Petersburg. The company is an active participant in the import substitution program.
PROTEI STC equipment is successfully operating in all regions of Russia and in 42 other countries. 60 fixed and mobile operators use our solutions to provide high-quality services for 250 million subscribers, and 45 regions of Russia have implemented our solutions in the field of integrated security systems.

«Concern Goodwin (Goodwin Europe)» is a Russian developer and manufacturer of the industrial radio systems and explosion-proof radio systems. The Company has a serial production of both base and subscriber equipment on the basis of DECT, GSM/UMTS/LTE, Bluetooth, LoRaWAN radio technologies.
Manufacture is situated in Moscow, in the territory of «Technopolis Moscow», and equipped with totally automatic SMD Line for printed circuit boards. An important part of the Concern is scientific and technical laboratory which develops product from the drawing to serial manufacturing of the product. Total number of Concern’s employees is 80.
The history of the Company goes back to 1997 when Concern Goodwin was founded. Concern’s specialists have realized more than 500 projects of different degree of difficulty for telecommunications operators, industrial enterprises, and corporate customers.
Current activity of the company is connected with the development of staff multifunctional monitoring system. More than 20 projects have been realized in the oil and gas, chemical, metallurgical and energetic industries.

Институт по проектированию сигнализации, централизации, связи и радио на железнодорожном транспорте «Гипротранссигналсвязь» − филиал АО «Росжелдорпроект».
Выполняет комплексное проектирование объектов железнодорожной автоматики, телемеханики, связи и радио для обеспечения безопасности и повышения эффективности движения поездов.
Осуществляет функции ведущей организации АО «Росжелдорпроект» по проектированию сигнализации, централизации, связи и радио на железнодорожном транспорте и методическое сопровождение процессов проектирования и эксплуатации устройств.
Специализируется на выполнении комплекса работ по созданию и проектированию телекоммуникационных сетей. Разрабатывает проекты обновления и развития средств технологической проводной связи и радио, создает новые виды и сети связи на базе волоконно-оптических кабелей и внедрения WDM, TDM, IP/MPLS технологий.
Среди ключевых проектов – комплексная реконструкция скоростной магистрали Санкт-Петербург – Москва, реконструкция и развитие Московского центрального кольца и Московского железнодорожного узла, развитие железнодорожной инфраструктуры Восточного полигона.

Sviaz has been held since 1975 and is the largest event in Russia, the CIS and Eastern Europe in the field of telecommunications and information technology. Main product sectors: telecom equipment, solutions and services, satellite communications, wireless communications, mobile communications, telecom cables, software, IP technology, electronic components, IoT, Russian software, data centers. Sviaz is held within Russian Week of High Technologies. Dates: 23–26 April 2024. Venue: EXPOCENTRE Fairgrounds, Moscow, Russia

- Цифровые рации и ретрансляторы
- Детекторы и подавители БПЛА
- ПНВ прицелы и тепловизоры
- Камеры и видеорегистраторы
- Комплектующие, антенны, аккумуляторы
- Комплексы связи под конкретные задачи
Компания Комбат Центр предлагает полный портфель решений для оперативной связи для коммерческих организаций и государственных учреждений на базе собственной российской цифровой платформы “Pocstar Talk”® Combat Commander и создаваемых на ее базе программно- аппаратных комплексов связи, систем обнаружения и подавления радиоэлектронных устройств любых типов, систем видеонаблюдения и контроля.
Все решения на базе платформы “Pocstar Talk”® Combat Commander кастомизируются под каждого клиента индивидуально и позволяют клиенту полностью сосредоточиться на основной работе, не отвлекаясь на технические вопросы, получать оперативную информацию быстрее и качественнее, принимать более эффективные решения и, соответственно, получать лучшие результаты.
Технология беспроводной голосовой двусторонней связи ПАК “Pocstar Talk”® Combat Commander – это программно — аппаратный комплекс, работающий на цифровой платформе по всему миру через сеть сотовых операторов GSM, Wi-Fi соединение или WLAN сети с применением PoC-терминалов (сотовых радиостанций на Android или Linux), с функционалом диспетчера (WEB-интерфейс), используя в своей системе связи радиостанции, ретрансляторы, шлюзы, серверы связи и другое радиооборудование.
Все составные части комплекса ПАК “Pocstar Talk”® Combat Commander являются функционально законченными, проверенными устройствами и взаимодействуют между собой через сеть IP.
Таким образом, достигается широкий диапазон охвата территории и гибкость в организации связи, экономия времени и средств при развертывании систем связи.
Более качественная информация, более эффективные решения, лучшие результаты.

LIS Company (Laboratory of Info Communication Networks) was founded in 2008. The company offers a full range of services for the development, construction and operation of radio communication networks, audit of existing radio communication networks on foreign and domestic equipment in order to maintain their operability, optimize and improve economic performance.
At the present time, LIS is the only company in Russia whose equipment – 4G LTE base stations and UE (user equipment) – have the current status of Telecommunications Equipment of Russian Origin.
The company’s portfolio contains equipment that allows, among other things, to create Private LABEL, Private 5G networks:
- Base stations LAD-BS-xxxx with combined and distributed architecture;
- UE LAD-SS-V carried in the form of CPE for placement on transport vehicles: freight, passenger, trains;
- Stationary UE LAD-SS-S in the form of CPE for placement on metal structures inside buildings, CPE with the functions of industrial controller;
- UE LAD-SS-Н wearable in the form of smartphones, tablets, mobile routers;
- Equipment with support for NB-IoT, LTE-M technologies;
- Network micro-core and mini-core LAD-Core and LAD-Core-U;
- Multiservice support platform LAD-Service (IMS server for VoLTE, VoNR services);
- OSS System LAD-Management;
- Automated Technical Control System (hybrid of TSMW, TEMS, HTM).
On basis of the developed equipment, LIS offers a number of technical solutions, including:
- Wireless Plant;
- Digital doubles;
- Production satisfying the Industry 4.0 requirements;
- Specialist training centers’ equipping;
- Mission Critical Networks;
- Navigation and communication in mines, at quarries;
- Maps of information flows.
The full cycle of equipment development and production is carried out on the Russian Federation territory. The equipment has all the certificates and declarations of conformity required for its use by the Ministry of Communications, Transport Security, the Eurasian Economic Union.

Mobil-group Company carries out projects related to:
- Integration of 4G/5G communication systems, management, information technologies (IT) and analytics tools, virtual and augmented reality (VR and AR) technologies;
- Development of integrated solutions based on domestic equipment 4G/5G, cellular Internet of Things, DSRC/C-V2x;
- Development of autonomous Private 4G/5G networks to ensure security of critical information infrastructure (CII);
- Development of solutions for Industry 4.0 based on cellular Internet of Things (IoT) technologies.
Nowadays, the Company has the developed cooperation with domestic equipment manufacturers to create integrated solutions, such as:
- Integrated network data analytics system “Janus” (hybrid of SON and 5G NWDAF) “Janus” based on big data and machine learning technologies;
- Network management and monitoring system "Pautina'' ("Web") based on graph databases;
- Development of normative reference information system “Passat” as eficient method of analyzing and working with 3GPP standarts;
- Wireless perimeter monitoring system “SBPM VR” using VR/AR technologies, robots and drones.
Mobil-group Company is actively engaged in familiarizing consumers with the developed complexes, since only through permanent interaction with consumers it is possible to assess their needs, take into account their wishes and make exactly the product that they expect.

Компания N3COM – российский бренд, специализирующейся на разработке, производстве и поставке сетевого телекоммуникационного оборудования операторского класса.
Продуктовые линейки компании представлены решениями IP MPLS, MPLS-TP, GPON, оптическими решениями DWDM, коммутаторами для промышленного применения и сетей ШПД, а также системой сетевого мониторинга и управления N3VIEW.
Основными клиентами N3COM являются операторы связи, крупные промышленные предприятия, корпоративные клиенты, ЦОДы, государственные и муниципальные службы.
Продукция N3COM разрабатывается на компонентной базе и ПО, произведенными в России или дружественных странах.
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