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ANO ТТ | Consortium Telecommunication Technologies was established in December 2019 by JSC Concern Sozvezdie (included to The Ruselectronics holding of Rostec Corporation), LLC RTC-Regional Initiative Center (included to PJSC Rostelecom) and JSC Element with the assistance of Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, with the purpose of laying the groundwork for the implementation of the state strategy in the field of import substitution and development of Russian production of radio-electronic products for the telecommunications industry. ANO TT CEO - Gulnara Khasianova, CEO of PJSC Mirkon. Now there are more than 100 organizations in the Ecosystem, including: vendors, developers, consumers, universities, relevant ministries, partners and Associations.

The Big Data Association was founded in Russia in October 2018. Today the Members of the Association include Yandex, VK, SberBank, Gazprombank, Tinkoff Bank, MegaFon, Rostelecom, oneFactor, QIWI, Beeline, MTS, the Skolkovo Foundation, the Analytical Center for the Government of the Russian Federation, VTB Bank, Center for Strategic Research (CSR), Magnit.
The mission of the Association is to create favorable conditions for technologies and product design in Russia’s Big Data market. The Association is engaged in developing common principles and standards for processing, storing, transmitting and using Big Data. The Association Members’ joint solutions will form the basis for the Big Data policy in each Member company.
Our priority tasks include developing a business-oriented strategy for the development of the Big Data market, enhancing the technical and operational efficiency of interactions between the industry participants, and developing of a Code of Ethics for the use of Big Data to protect the Users’ interests.

Ассоциация российских разработчиков и производителей электроники (АРПЭ) – некоммерческое объединение российских компаний электронной промышленности, созданное в 2017 году для разработки предложений по развитию отрасли, согласования решений между компаниями, заказчиками и государственными регуляторами, расширения производственной кооперации и международного сотрудничества.

The Russian Data Center Industry Association is a professional non-profit organization. It conducts activities for data center market players. Association provides formalization and development fast-growing innovation market through standardization and popularization of industry.

The Association of Software Developers “Domestic Soft” is the most affluent Russian association of domestic manufacturers of the replicable software. The association was founded in 2009 by Russian developers and currently includes more than 200 companies. The Chairperson of the Board of the "Domestic Software" Association is Natalya Kasperskaya, President of InfoWatch Group.
The activities of the Association are focused on supporting domestic software manufacturers, stimulating demand, promoting Russian software products in both domestic and foreign markets, as well as the processes of digital transformation, artificial intelligence, information security, etc.
The association representatives are the members of the expert councils and dedicated working groups created under the auspices of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Digital Development of Russia, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia, the Competence Center for Import Substitution in the field of ICT, the Russian Information Technology Development Foundation (RFRIT) and other public agencies.
The initiatives of ARPP “Domestic Soft” are reflected in the updated Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Register of Domestic Software, the main laws and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation in the field of IT.

RUSSOFT is the most influential association of software development companies in Russia. For 2023, the Association unites 350 IT companies with more than 80,000 highly qualified employees. RUSSOFT represents the entire industry of software development in Russia.

International Telecommunications Academy (MAC) is an international organization. It is a voluntary public association of academics, outstanding managers and highly skilled professionals. Co-operation is based on common professional interests, theoretical and practical issues in infocommunication development (Infocommunication = information + telecommunications (communication).

The primary objective of the international portal "HELPINVER – Discover the New Russia!" lies in demonstrating and promoting a positive image of
Russia: in presenting Russia as a highly-developed industrial, cultural, sports and tourism destination; utilizing additional opportunities for the development of business contacts and ties; attracting both Russian and foreign investors and partners; and popularizing the idea of corporate social responsibility and cultivating a sense of patriotism.
The portal presents CEOs and organizations who want to change the world’s perception of Russia, drawing on their own real-world experience to showcase the real Russia: its resources and demands. We are confident that in the near future, each and every Russian citizen will be rightly proud of their country. But this spirit must be built on a deep knowledge of this country, its regions and organizations. The international portal "HELPINVER – Discover the New Russia!" offers cooperation to CEOs who are: looking for new partners; ready to support the idea of presenting the resources and demands of Russian organizations in Russia and at the international level; developing their organizations by actively using information technologies; protective of their business reputation and the reputation of their organizations.